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On-Site Sewage Regulations FAQ

Who is regulated?

In Dade County Missouri, all on-site sewage disposal systems have been required to get a "permit to construct" since 1996.

Who can install the on-site sewage disposal system?

Since 2004 an installer registered with the Missouri Department of Health must install all systems.

DHSS Registered Onsite Soil Evaluators List for Dade County Click here.


Current List of Dade County Installers

         Business Name                                Address                                Contact               Phone       
Clements Plumbing

Ted Clements
Craig Ray ExcavatingCraig Ray417-893-9354
Davis Farms & Excavating David Davis417-839-7387
Gator ConstructionPO Box 942
Springfield, Mo  65801
Patrick Jennings417-839-8440
Justin Cody ConductJustin Cody417-751-2166
KB MechanicalBrett Lollar417-844-3071
Myers Grading & Services, LLCJacob Myers417-298-7403
R L Boyd Construction105 Shouse Street
Greenfield, Mo  65661  
Richard Boyd417-637-6018

Range FarmCharles Dowell417-742-2437
TGF Excavating, LLC Todd Fickbohm417841-7708

**The Dade County Health Dept. does not promote any business or individual. These names/numbers listed above are provided for information only.**

How is it determined what sewage system should be installed?

The first step is obtaining a "soils morphology report". From this information, along with specific site considerations and what is being served, a system can then be designed.

What if the soils report says conventional septic tank and laterals won\'t work on my site?

Then you will need to have an engineer design an alternative system installed by an advanced installer. In a few cases a lagoon might be allowed if you can meet the set-backs. Lagoons don\'t require an engineer.

We are selling our home and the buyer wants the sewage system inspected, can you do that?

No, as there are trained/registered 3rd party inspectors to do this type of request. Contact our office for a list of providers.

Do I need a permit to renovate the sewage disposal system?


While driving down this country road I saw several houses that had what appeared to be sewage running into the ditch, can I make a complaint?

No, you must be an adjoining landowner or be an aggrieved party.

This information provided by the Texas County Health Department.

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